
existing product

It is sometimes difficult to define what is meant by a new product. Improvements to an existing product can render the product's exterior so much that it could be seen by prospective purchasers as a genuinely new product, and if an existing product is launched to a new market or to other purposes, that product is also new for the customer. In most cases the tourist products are advances on and modifications of existing products.

Development Projects Underway

01.Development of Certain Tourist Attractions

Plans are in place to renovate and refurbish the Kandyan Cultural Centre

SLTDA initiated action to renovate and refurbish the Kandyan Cultural Centre which functions as a self standing entity managed by a Trust chaired by the District Secretary Kandy. This is one of the most patronized tourist attractions in Kandy city. The refurbishment will add more facilities to the foreign and local tourists and also to the cultural performers. The SLTDA contribution towards the refurbishment programme is Rs. 8.0 million and the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB) was selected to complete the above scope of work as a 'Turn key' Project, which will be completed in

02.Improvements to Existing Domestic Holiday Resorts

The Sri Lanka Tourist Development Authority owns and manages domestic resorts at
Nuwara Eliya (Wiki), Bandarawela (Wiki), Anuradhapura (Wiki) and Kataragama (Wik).
The facilities were developed during the 1970s with a view to provide accommodation facilities for domestic tourist at a reasonable price.

Over the last 30 years, accommodation facilities of this category have developed. Presently, studies indicate that there is a shortage of accommodation for domestic tourists falling in the upper and middle class income earners category.

Resorts Undergoing renovations and restructuring

National Holiday Resort - Nuwara Eliya

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Situated in the upper side of Gregory Lake, the resort consists of three cottages, nine double rooms, three family rooms, twenty two dormitory beds, and a restaurant.
The first phrase of the development included refurbishing three cottages, nine double rooms, the restaurant, dormitory, resort office and quarters, replacing all sanitary fittings with modern fittings, fixing the chain link fence and entrance gate, constructing of drains, and resurfacing of internal road network and landscape

National Holiday Resort - Bandarawela

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Placed 2.5 km from the Bandarawela town, the resort is set on a 17 acre land and has ten cottages, a dormitory (88 beds), and a restaurant.
Development work included resurfacing internal roads, constructing drains, constructing entrance gate with chain link fence, cutting foot paths and landscaping. The refurbishment of ten cottages is in progress and would involve replacing sanitary fittings, colour washing internal and external, floor tilling and wall tilling.

National Holiday Resort - Anuradhapura

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Located at Jayanthi Mawatha, Anuradhapura the resort has 18 double rooms, five A/C double rooms, eleven triple rooms, four dormitory rooms and 13 dormitory beds and caters chiefly to pilgrims on route to Anuradhapura.

National Holiday Resort - Kathragama

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Situated within the sacred area, the resort serves as an ideal resting place for pilgrims. Tourists can select from fourteen double rooms, seven triple rooms and five air conditioned rooms.

Develop Facilities at Giritale

Lanka Sportsreizen, a leading adventure tour operator, is committed to set up a camping and caravan site in Giritale. Currently, the Giritale National Holiday Resort, Hotel Giritale, Angsana Hotel and Spa (formerly known as the Deer Park), and the Hotel Lotus Flower are in operation.

National Holiday Resort - Pasikudah

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The Sri Lanka Tourist Development Authority has joined together with two local investors to develop two hotel projects. One would be a 100 roomed hotel with luxury facilities and the second would be a 100 roomed hotel.

Public Administration rest houses

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n 1993, 37 Public Administration Rest Houses were vested with the Tourist Development Authority. The rest houses were upgraded and 15 houses registered with the SLTDA(A or B grade)